The city of Santa Ana allows property owners to vote on making the block on which they reside eligible for permit parking. Several blocks within Wilshire Square have elected for 24 hour permit parking enforcement as indicated on the below permit parking map.

Property owners residing on one of the blocks with permit parking can request up to 3 permanent parking permits per address, which are stickers assigned to a specific car. Parking permits are only required when parking on the street. Additionally, owners of single-family residences can receive up to 75 single use guest passes per permit period (note that duplexes, apartments, and other multi-family units are not eligible for guest passes)
Residents that are interested in the permit parking process for their block can reach out to the city of Santa Ana public works department for more information. There are additional details on the city website for Permit Parking, including a brochure with complete details on parking permits.
Summarized, these are the steps required to obtain permit parking for your block:
- Call the public works permit parking department and express interest in coordinating permit parking for your block, and choose what hours permits will be enforced (24/7 or overnight only). You will be mailed an interest form with eligible street addresses.
- Informally collect signatures of at least 50% property owners (resident renters are not eligible to vote) of the eligible street addresses and include 3 pictures of constrained parking.
- Public works will review the application and if it meets the requirements will mail official surveys to each eligible address.
- Property owners of at least 66% of eligible addresses must agree to permit parking for the block and return the completed signed form to public works.
- If approved, public works will mail a letter to each eligible address notifying them 30 days in advance of permit parking enforcement. Residents must obtain parking permits within this window to avoid citation when permit parking is enforced. To obtain a permit for your vehicle you must provide: Permit fee, copy of drivers license, copy of registration or vehicle lease agreement, and proof of residency. See permit parking brochure for complete details.
These details are subject to change, so be sure to consult the above links to the City of Santa Ana website for the most current information.